Peer-Review Statement

AJRSP follows academic conditions and rules for the arbitration and dissemination of scientific research. All published articles have undergone a rigorous peer-review process based on initial screening and final decision.
To ensure that the published research papers are of high quality and important interest.

Ajrsp Paper Publication Process:
- The Author submits his manuscript to the journal.
- The Editor does the initial screening and Checks plagiarism, and to ensure that the research paper fulfills the conditions of publication in the journal, and an important research topic is presented.
- Provide the author with the initial decision.
- Forwards the manuscript to the review by Reviewers anonymously according to the guidelines provided and verifies the quality of research.
- The article is returned to the Editor along with a recommendation on to whether reject the article, revise it or accept it.
- Provide the author with the final decision and the formal peer-reviewers report.
- The Editor receives the updated article and sends it to the Publication department.

International peer-reviewed journal
ISSN: 2706-6495

Coming Issue: (70)
Submission Deadline:
27 January 2025
Date of Issue:
5 February 2025

Peer-Review statement

AJRSP follows academic conditions and rules for the arbitration and dissemination of scientific research. All published articles have undergone a rigorous peer-review process based on initial screening and final decision.

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