Author Guidelines


- Submission Preparation Checklist
- Peer review process
- How to submit the manuscript
- Manuscript style and format
- Manuscript organization
- Timing
- Publication charges

- Submission Preparation Checklist

1. The research should be characterized by originality, scientific methodology, and modernity in the subject and presentation.

2 - Taking into account the validity of the language and the integrity of the method of research.

3- Manuscript Not to have been published or submitted to another party.

4- The academic journal publishes original articles in which plagiarism does not exceed 8%.

5 - The number of pages does not exceed 40 pages

6- The manuscript should be complete

7 - Matching the manuscript to the research formats in our journal terms

Peer review process

  • Manuscript submitted
  • The Author submits his manuscript to the journal email

  • The Initial screening and Checks for plagiarism
  • The Editor does the initial screening and Checks plagiarism, and to ensure that the research paper fulfills the conditions of publication in the journal. the editor provides the author with the initial decision within 3 days.

  • Peer review
  • Forwards the manuscript to the review by Reviewers anonymously according to the guidelines provided and verifies the quality of research, within 10 days.

  • Final decision
  • Editor give the final decision based on referee comment, and emails to author with formal peer-reviewer report as following: a- If the article accepted as it is: Move to the next step
    b- Minor Change: Editor send 1st and 2nd email reminder for author to submit the revised manuscript.
    c- Major Change: Editor send 1st and 2nd email reminder for author to submit the revised manuscript, and the manuscript go through 2nd revision.
    d- Reject: Editor send rejection notification to author email includes comment and peer-review report from refree.

  • Issue the certificate of publication
  • The Editor receives the updated article, issues the publication certificate, and acceptance letter, and sends it to the author.

  • Publication
  • The Editor forwards the updated article to the Publication department.

    How to submit the manuscript

    To submit a manuscript, Send an email to:
    Including the manuscript file and author/s information, read the submission instructions, click here
    Before submitting a manuscript be sure to read the author guidelines.
    Download the manuscript Template click here

    Manuscript style and format

    File format - Manuscript files must be in Microsoft Word formats, documents should not be locked or protected.
    Length - Manuscript's length must not exceed 40 pages or less than 7 pages.
    Font - Text must be typed in Times New Roman, 12 points, 1.5 line spacing.
    Headings - Make sure the heading font size is 14 points, bold. And subheading font size 13 points bold.
    Layout - Pages must be in one column. Page size: A4, Margins: Moderate option.
    Page numbers - Include page numbers in the manuscript file.
    Language - Manuscripts must be submitted in English.
    Abbreviations - Define abbreviations upon first appearance in the text. Do not use non-standard abbreviations unless they appear at least three times in the text. Keep abbreviations to a minimum.
    Reference style - AJRSP Using “APA reference style”.
    Equations - We recommend using MathType for display and inline equations.
    Tables - All tables have the same format and are arranged numerically in ascending order,
    Figures and Images - Include high-resolution images and figures, and Arrange them in ascending numerical order.

    Manuscript organization

    Manuscripts should be organized as follows:

    The following elements are required, in order:

    Beginning section

  • Title page: Manuscript title, author/s name, and affiliations.
  • Abstract: 200 words.
  • Manuscript keywords: 3 - 6 words.
  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Significance

    Middle section
    - The following elements can be renamed as needed:
  • literature review/ Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations

    Ending section
    - The following elements are required, in order:
  • Acknowledgment
  • References

  • Timing

    Ajrsp is committed to fast editorial decisions and publication. We believe that an efficient editorial process is a valuable service both to our authors and to the scientific community as a whole.
    Initial decision: 3 days
    Final decision: 10 days
    Publication frequency: Monthly.

    Publication charges

    Publish paper in AJRSP requires Article Processing Charges (APC). The APC equals 190 US dollars. Pay after the paper has been initially accepted for publication.
    - No fees are required for developing countries with low-income countries according to the World Bank Country classification by Income level.
    - Publication fees apply for articles accepted for publication, if the article rejected after peer review the fee will be refunded

    International peer-reviewed journal
    ISSN: 2706-6495

    Coming Issue: (70)
    Submission Deadline:
    27 January 2025
    Date of Issue:
    5 February 2025

    Peer-Review statement

    AJRSP follows academic conditions and rules for the arbitration and dissemination of scientific research. All published articles have undergone a rigorous peer-review process based on initial screening and final decision.

    Helpful Links
  • Publication Fields
  • Publication Fees
  • Manuscript Template
  • Publication Ethics
  • Journal's Policies
  • Contact us

  • Archive
  • Current Issue
  • Archive
  • All copyrights reserved to the Academic Journal of Research and Scientific Publishing by Creative Commons License
