The Digital Forensic Tools Accuracy and Specifications

Author: Jasir Adel Altheyabi
Master's in Cyber Security, Cyber Security Department, College of Computer and Information Science, Majmaah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The research aims to provide an overview of computer forensics, the history of computer forensics tools, and the accuracy and specifications of these tools. With the great and accelerating technological development, the reliance on the Internet has become greater and stronger than before. The world has become dependent on technology in all production and economic operations. And we talked in the second axis of the search for The Computer Forensic Legal Requirement, and Presentation of the tools used in the criminal investigation and an explanation of each tool. The digital forensic investigation tools that we will explain in this research are FTK. Forensic Toolkit, Prodiscovery, Autopsy, p2commander, OSForensics. We conclude that digital investigation tools have outstanding performance on different mediums. It has high accuracy and efficiency in digital investigation, and no single tool is superior to some other tools in all media. With more than one tool on a range of devices, it improves the investigation and testimony capabilities of examinees during exploration.


Digital Forensic Tools, Digital Forensic Tools Accuracy, Digital Forensic Tools Specifications

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International peer-reviewed journal

ISSN: 2706-6495

Coming Issue: (64)
Submission Deadline:
26 July 2024
Date of Issue:
5 August 2024

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