Cyber Attacks Visualization and Prediction in Complex Multi-Stage Network

Author: Mr. Jassir Adel Altheyabi
Master's in Cyber Security, Cyber Security Department, Majmaah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


In network security, various protocols exist, but these cannot be said to be secure. Moreover, is not easy to train the end-users, and this process is time-consuming as well. It can be said this way, that it takes much time for an individual to become a good cybersecurity professional. Many hackers and illegal agents try to take advantage of the vulnerabilities through various incremental penetrations that can compromise the critical systems. The conventional tools available for this purpose are not enough to handle things as desired. Risks are always present, and with dynamically evolving networks, they are very likely to lead to serious incidents. This research work has proposed a model to visualize and predict cyber-attacks in complex, multilayered networks. The calculation will correspond to the cyber software vulnerabilities in the networks within the specific domain. All the available network security conditions and the possible places where an attacker can exploit the system are summarized.


Network vulnerability; attack graph; adjacency matrix; clustering technique; cyber defense.

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International peer-reviewed journal

ISSN: 2706-6495

Coming Issue: (66)
Submission Deadline:
26 September 2024
Date of Issue:
5 October 2024

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