Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, and Employee Performance
Authors: Dr. Fahad Bin Saad Algorabi Alharbi(1*), Dr. Abdoulrahman Aljounaidi(2)
Ministry of Education, Riyadh Alkhabra, Saudi Arabia(1*)
Department of Management, Al-Madinah International University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia(2)
This paper aims to investigate the relationship between independent
and dependent variables. First relation between transformational leadership
and employee performance. The second relation discuss in this paper between
transactional leadership and employee performance. Researcher dependent on
previous studies to conduct this research. Based on the previous studies
reviewed and discussed, the results showed that the transformational
leadership style has weak positive role effect on the employee performance
inside organisations that they work in. However, the result of previous studies
on the transactional leadership style refers to the strong positive role on
employee performance in organisations that they work in. Leaders have to enhance
the role of transactional leadership styles in organisations that they manage them,
to improve and develop the relationship between them and their subordinates in to
increase the performance of their employee. Leaders should not follow the
transformational leadership style because the results of previous studies are
refer to a weak positive role on employee performance , and need more studies
on transformational leadership to prove the role of it in different cultures and
organisations. For further research in this scope, researcher recommended to conduct
research in different cultures or organisations to determine leadership style has
strong positive role on employee performance beside transactional leadership.
Transformational leadership, Transactional leadership, employee performance
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